29 Jan 02:46 GMT

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Elmar's glossary
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Collection owner:
eleonora_r (460 pts)

32 total concepts
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Term/concept Concept submitter
špikovan larded (English) eleonora_r 
Žalba protiv ovog rješenja ne odgađa njegovu ovrhu. an appeal against this ruling does not delay its execution (English) eleonora_r 
attested atestiran (Croatian) eleonora_r 
auditor's certificate potvrda revizora (Croatian) eleonora_r 
backward stability stabilnost unatrag (Croatian) eleonora_r 
Centar za socijalnu skrb Social Services Department (English) eleonora_r 
Centar za socijalnu skrb Department of Social Services (English) eleonora_r 
chromakey chroma key efekt (Croatian) eleonora_r 
congestive heart failure kongestivno zatajenje srca (Croatian) eleonora_r 
connection the hood (bonnet) contact spajanje kontakta poklopca motora (haube) (Croatian) eleonora_r 
dispozitiv (enacting) terms (English) eleonora_r 
enforcement actions postupci provođenja (zakona) (Croatian) eleonora_r 
fake fur/suede umjetno krzno/antilop koža (Croatian) eleonora_r 
inherit otrzymywać majątek lub prawa po czyjejś śmierci.
internally based core beliefs osnovna vjerovanja (uvjerenja) koja dolaze iznutra (Croatian) eleonora_r 
izvanbračna veza (non-married) relationship (English) eleonora_r 
jobsite radilište, gradilište (Croatian) eleonora_r 
krobotska beatifikacija Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting eleonora_r 
let's get on the same page da se razumijemo (Croatian) eleonora_r 
make a federal case out of something uveličavati (Croatian) eleonora_r 

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